Unique marketing campaign management

Integration of email service providers

CRM built on gaming platform

Player retention programme

Unique gaming CRM platform. As producers of premium software for betting companies, we know what needs to be done to ensure we have a CRM which works in the gambling environment.

Betsys CRM is a gaming platform which combines sophisticated mathematical calculations, systematic information exchange and real-time and optimised communication, leading to maximum revenue from each individual gaming unit. BetSYS CRM also allows for simple, intuitive management of all marketing tools you need to ensure you retain clients and continue to offer them the best for their player support. BetSYS CRM is unprecedented in the client management market because it is specifically built on the basis of players and their behaviour, and not on general ideas about how a CRM should work and operate. We know what operators need to ensure and set up parameters to increase returns and eliminate unprofitable players. Our CRM is a comprehensive and integrated service which intuitively guides marketing in order to optimise costs, for individual clients or groups, and maximise the conversion ratio, loyalty, and the value of each individual player or group. BetSYS CRM is an open gaming CRM which allows you to connect any third-party gaming product. All this results in a single, centralised campaign management and client portfolio management.

Player lifecycle – Betsys CRM monitors the entire player lifecycle in real time and is able to evaluate this immediately. The operator can thus immediately assess the situation and respond with a whole range of marketing tools to support optimal player response.

  • Unique gaming CRM increases conversion and monitors the most successful marketing campaigns
  • Increases the amount of money placed in bets
  • Maintains client loyalty
  • An open gaming platform to which any third-party product can be connected
  • Effective connection of email tools to Silverpop

  • SLA with premium benefits, we are available to you 24/7 (we don’t think you’ll need it, but just in case)
  • A dedicated, experienced team available to you right from the word go